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{\rtf1{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Bold.afm ;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Roman.afm ;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Bold.afm;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Roman.afm;}}{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red51\green102\blue154;}{\*\generator dz_rft_create;}\f0\f1\cf2\fs32 \b \ul Tree of Forbidden Power\ul0 \b0 \par \cf1\f2\fs18 \i Origin \b Zombiac - e-sam\b0 Entered by Azus\i0 \par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Created on\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 2010-06-28 00:40:48\par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Modified\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 2010-06-28 00:40:48\par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Class\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 Class or Militia\par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Lives\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 standard per class (V7)\par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Count\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 Normal count\par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Reeves\b0 \par \cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Materials\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 Red headbands, and a fruit. \par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Setup\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 Lay out the headbands near a tree. Select one person to play the Serpent (described below), and select 2 teams.\par \par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Rules\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 \par There is a tree of power. On it are a great number of berserk headbands. In the tree is a serpent. \par <\par > \par There are two teams, one trying to protect the tree, and one trying to raid it and steal the berserk bands (the forbidden fruit).<\par > \par \b The Serpent-- \b0 the Serpent is immortal and immune to all forms of attack. The Serpent has two poisoned daggers representing fangs (natural weapons). The Serpent has the ability to tempt. The serpent can tempt anyone within 20 feet of the tree, including the team defending the tree. "tempting (3x)". Once tempted a player must approach the serpent seeking the forbidden fruit, and may only fight to defend themselves. The Serpent can choose to kill them, give them the fruit, or simply toy with them. <\par >Effects of the \b forbidden fruit:\b0 \par The player must put on a berserk band. You have berserk and fight after death. You are also confused, as per the confusion spell. All of these effects and conditions endure until you are killed.\par \par \par <\par > \par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Victory\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 Last player not shattered is awarded the fruit of knowledge and may play in one battlegame with infinite lives. The fruit is an actual fruit and must be eaten by the player who wins or someone they give it to. \par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Misc\b0 \par \cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Variations\b0 \par \cf1\fs20 \par }