Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dzucker/public_html/amtgard/games/list.php:1) in /home/dzucker/public_html/amtgard/games/class.dz_rtf_create.php on line 179
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dzucker/public_html/amtgard/games/list.php:1) in /home/dzucker/public_html/amtgard/games/class.dz_rtf_create.php on line 180
{\rtf1{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Bold.afm ;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Roman.afm ;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Bold.afm;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Roman.afm;}}{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red51\green102\blue154;}{\*\generator dz_rft_create;}\f0\f1\cf2\fs32 \b \ul Possession\ul0 \b0 \par
\cf1\f2\fs18 \i Origin \b Azus\b0 Entered by Azus\i0 \par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Created on\b0 \par
\cf1\f4\fs18 2010-04-21 01:41:48\par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Modified\b0 \par
\cf1\f4\fs18 2010-07-20 22:39:17\par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Class\b0 \par
\cf1\f4\fs18 Class or Militia\par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Lives\b0 \par
\cf1\f4\fs18 standard per class (V7)\par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Count\b0 \par
\cf1\f4\fs18 No count\par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Reeves\b0 \par
\cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Materials\b0 \par
\cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Setup\b0 \par
A dark spirit is in possession of a player. That player has 2 points armor in addition to what he is wearing. When killed, the dark spirit inhabits the player who killed it, and the game continues. The player the spirit inhabited becomes a normal human. This is fun if players roleplay an ancient, evil, and loudmouthed spirit. Play until people are tired.\par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Rules\b0 \par
\cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Victory\b0 \par
\cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Misc\b0 \par
\cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Variations\b0 \par
1.For more players, make the spirit stronger: more armor, wounds kill, strong, tough, etc.\par
2.A cult of the spirit! The spirit can convert people to its side (from an incantation, "I convert 'target'" ten times, or convincing arguments
\fs20 \par