Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dzucker/public_html/amtgard/games/list.php:1) in /home/dzucker/public_html/amtgard/games/class.dz_rtf_create.php on line 179

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{\rtf1{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Bold.afm ;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Roman.afm ;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Bold.afm;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Roman.afm;}}{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red51\green102\blue154;}{\*\generator dz_rft_create;}\f0\f1\cf2\fs32 \b \ul Snowball Fight\ul0 \b0 \par \cf1\f2\fs18 \i Origin \b Vinderex\b0 Entered by Vinderex\i0 \par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Created on\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 2015-01-04 21:50:08\par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Modified\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 2015-01-07 15:22:46\par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Class\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 see rules\par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Lives\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 5 lives\par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Count\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 touch base\par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Reeves\b0 \par \cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Materials\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 \par A number of spells balls, fewer than the number of players, but more than half the number of players. (preferably iceballs, but if necessary others could be used, they will all have the same effect.)<\par > \par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Setup\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 Designate a respawn point. More than one may be used in a large group.\par The iceballs will placed in a pile in the center of the field, and the players will spread out in a circle around it.\par \par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Rules\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 \par Players may use a single weapon up to a longsword, and have the following abilities:<\par > \par \par \b *\b0 Shatter, Unlimited\par \par \par \b *\b0 Enlightened Soul (T)\par \par \par \b *\b0 Shake It Off, Unlimited (Will be assumed to always activate when needed, no incant required. Will make all frozen effects last only 10 seconds regardless of source.)\par \par \par \par \b *\b0 4 pts Natural Armor (Feel free to adjust to suit your tastes.)\par \par \par \par \par In addition, players may pick up and use iceballs with no incantation, but may only carry one iceball at a time. If killed with a melee weapon, players will become frozen instead of dieing normally.<\par > \par When lay on is called, there will be a 10 second no-attacking period during which the players will rush to collect iceballs and then spread out again, and then the battle will commence. This is a free-for-all battle. Players cannot be killed by normal means, and are only killable by casting Shatter at Touch range (hence the Enlightened Soul) while frozen . The easiest way is of course to use the iceballs, though melee combat could be used in a pinch.<\par > \par On death, players return to the designated respawn point, and immediately respawn.<\par > \par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Victory\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 Last person alive is the victor. \par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Misc\b0 \par \cf1\f4\fs18 Note that natural armor only returns after a respawn. It does not return after a frozen state due to melee combat wears off. Once gone, the player will continue to be vulnerable to melee attacks for the remainder of that life.\par \par \f3\cf2\fs24 \b Variations\b0 \par \cf1\fs20 \par }